Inherently, I feel that maybe I was an archaeologist in my previous birth, or sometimes I even feel that I missed the boat in this life! Thinking back, childhood memories of various trips taken, I recollect that the mementoes I collected were things like a rock chipped off from a historic site we visited, or a brick which had an imprint, small trinkets like these. Flash forward 2021…and we all know what a year 2020 was!!  I found myself at a loose end, with my children both grown up and me having a lot of free time on my hands. Scouting around different avenues and trying to find something I love was a tall order!! My daughter on her IG page came across ILF and they were looking for interns!!! I just jumped at the opportunity! The work being done by ILF seemed absolutely marvellous! I was super super excited, I applied, after which I spoke with Amit Sir, who shared the ILF vision with me…. And the rest as they say is HISTORY!  🙂 🙂  

“History’s like a story in a way: it depends on who’s telling it.” ~ Dorothy Salisbury Davis. 

Being part of the Narrator team has been extremely satisfying, it gives me a deep feeling of satisfaction and pride that I am able to contribute in my own small way in creating the vast digital map of India. It may not be anything but every word counts and so does every site. Baby steps… Writing was also something that I had thought I might have wanted to do at some point, especially as a travel writer. So my work at ILF ticks off two items on that bucket list… Archaeology (tick) and travel writer ( tick), puts me in a happy place. I get to virtually travel to all these wonderful and unique sites lost and forgotten, only to be brought alive by India Lost & Found.

The various models bring out the best of the site, from all angles and I particularly enjoy writing, which is a conversation between 2 characters, animate and inanimate which brings out the details of the site, in a beautiful manner, often humorous. When I was approached to write or put up something for the blog, I was thrilled and after giving it much thought, I thought that instead of me writing or putting up something about ‘a’ particular sites or sites, I would write my thoughts about my journey here till now, hoping that it will inspire more like me to join the ILF family and be a part of shaping our rich cultural and historic heritage.

The views, information, or opinions expressed above are solely those of the author(s) involved and do not necessarily represent those held by India Lost & Found and its creative community.

Hi, I’m Karishma Agarwal …


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