Ishika Narula – Inkling by India Lost and Found Mon, 30 Aug 2021 11:57:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1,h_80,c_fill,g_auto/f_auto,q_auto/v1626697497/cropped-Main-1/cropped-Main-1.jpg?_i=AA Ishika Narula – Inkling 32 32 From the Curator’s Desk Sat, 14 Aug 2021 13:11:06 +0000 The month of August in India is synonymous with its Independence- achieved after a long, struggle filled journey of decades. Hence, this August ILF celebrates the concept “Feathers of Freedom”! 15th of August is one of the most unforgettable days in Indian history. The nation did not become the largest democracy in the world in just a day but as a result of the blood, sweat and tears of those millions of Indians, who had the passion and desire for freedom. To celebrate the importance of Indian cultural and political history, ILF invites you to be a part of this exclusive patriotic journey, where we feature our star interns – their experiences, thoughts and creativity. Like the three stripes of the flag- Indian people, their built heritage and culture are always a topic of many forums and mediums, and at ILF this Independence month it would not be possible if we don’t dig deep into the topic. ILF Inkling invites you to come on board this thrilling, awe-inspiring journey of bringing forth the connection of our heritage to our Independence. You can share your personal experiences, stories associated with structures and independence, interviews with people who were a part of the freedom movement, sketches of freedom fighters or places, excerpts from written journals, opinions and observations. Related subjects of study involve: Evolution of buildings from pre to post-independence, migration and its effects on settlements and built heritage, architects of that era, people’s role in destructing or conserving the memory of someone else’s history, social movements, political buildings built during the fight for Independence which was used as headquarters for important discussions their importance in gaining freedom and freedom fighters lifestyle and residence (which now are converted into heritage sites) Since it’s the month of freedom, you all are free to use your own way of interpreting the theme of this month. So what are you waiting for? This is the rarest of the opportunity where you could express that passion of patriotism residing in the bottom of y’all hearts. Let us come together and start expressing ourselves!!!!

The views, information, or opinions expressed above are solely those of the author(s) involved and do not necessarily represent those held by India Lost & Found and its creative community.

Hiya, I’m Ishika…

HI, I am Ishika Narula… Ishika is an Architect in making, who is fascinated by its culture, traditions and history but believes in living in the present. She is a curator at Inklings by India Lost & Found and works as a Research Authenticator.


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